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Prakasha Accommodation

  • Taluka Shahada | Located at a distance of 1 km from Prakasha ST Bus stand. Sadguru Dharamshala offers two-bed non-AC rooms.

    • Check-In:24:00 Hrs.
    • Check-Out:24:00 Hrs.
    • Food Facility:Yes
    • Parking:Yes
    • Check-In:24:00 Hrs.
    • Check-Out:24:00 Hrs.
    • Food Facility:Yes
    • Parking:Yes

Hotels/Dharamshala in Prakasha

Are you looking for accommodation in Prakasha, Maharashtra? Then, we have some best options for you - Sadguru Dharmashala at a reasonable cost with the appropriate facility. Make your stay memorable in Gommatagiri with the availability of nearby attractions including all the best amenities.

There are many sightseeing places near accommodation which are Kedareshwar Temple, Sangameshwar Temple, Gautameshwar Temple, Annapurna Devi Temple, and Prakasha Dam which are attractions that tourists should visit. There are many beautiful things to see, ranging from ancient temples, and beautiful locations. If you want to know more then, contact us at YatraDham.Org.We will reach you as soon as possible.

More About Prakasha Stay

Starting Room Price Rs. 799
Properties Available Dharamshala
Prakasha Dharamshala 3+
Places to visit in Prakasha Yeshwant Lake and Khadki Point

FAQs for Prakasha Stay

1. What accommodation options are available for a stay in Prakasha?

If you are looking for a night's stay in Prakasha then, we provide some best options for you which are Sadguru Dharmashala and many others at a reasonable cost. For more details visit, YatraDham.Org.

2. Which tourist places are close to accommodation?

Kedareshwar Temple, Sangameshwar Temple, Gautameshwar Temple, Annapurna Devi Temple, and Prakasha Dam are top attractions places close to the accommodation that tourists should visit.

3. Where do travelers like to book rooms in Prakasha?

Most travellers like to book rooms near tourist places because most other areas of interest are nearby.

4. What are the top amenities provided by accommodation in Prakasha?

Sadguru Dharmashala provides a Food facility, Parking facility, Drinking water facility, Hot water facility, and attached toilets at a reasonable cost with good hospitality.

5. Why should you choose Yatradham?

Yatradham provides appropriate services at a reasonable cost near tourist destinations.

6. Do Hotels in Prakasha have any check-in policy?

Many lodges provide a 24-hour check-in policy. It is still recommended to call and inquire before Booking.