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Kumbhojgiri Accommodation

  • Kumbhojgiri Jain Tirth, Tal. Bahubali | Located at a distance of 7.8 km from the Hatkanangale bus stop and railway station. Shri Jain Shwetambar Dharamshala offers two-bed AC and non-AC rooms for Shwetambar Jains only.

    • Check-In:08:00 AM
    • Check-Out:08:00 AM
    • Food Facility:No
    • Parking:No
    • Check-In:08:00 AM
    • Check-Out:08:00 AM
    • Food Facility:No
    • Parking:No

Hotels in Kumbhojgiri

Most of us are familiar with a few different types of accommodations. Whether you’re looking for a hotel, an inn, a guest house, or a Dormitory, quite a few options are available for short-term accommodations. These are Jain Shwetamber Dharamshala at a reasonable cost with good hospitality.

Make your stay memorable in Kumbhojini with the availability of nearby attractions including all the best amenities. There are many sightseeing places near accommodations which are Bahubali Brahmacharya Temple, Ramling Caves Temple, Mahalaxmi Temple, Kopeshwar Temple, Rankala Lake, and Shahuji Chhatrapati Shivaji New Palace Museum are top attractions places that tourists should visit.

There are many beautiful things to see, ranging from the ancient temples, and b beautiful locations. If you want to know more then, contact us YatraDham.Org. We will help you as soon as possible.

More About Kumbhojgiri Stay

Starting Room Price Rs. 699
Properties Available Dharamshala
Kumbhojgiri Dharamshala 3+
Places to visit in Kumbhojgiri Rankala Lake and Dam Mini Waterfall

FAQs for Kumbhojgiri Stay

1. Where to stay in Kumbhojgiri?

If you are looking for a night's stay in Kumbhojini then, we have some best options for you which are Jain Shwetamber Dharamshala at a reasonable cost with appropriate services. For more details, visit YatraDham.Org.

2. What are tourist places close to accommodation?

Bahubali Brahmacharya Temple, Ramling Caves Temple, Mahalaxmi Temple, Kopeshwar Temple, Rankala Lake, and Shahuji Chhatrapati Shivaji New Palace Museum are top attractions places close to accommodations that tourists should visit.

3. What is Kumbhojgiri famous for?

In ancient times, this hill was known as Bahubali Ki Pahadi and is now known as Kumbhojgiri. It is a well-known Jain temple located near Hathkanangala. One of the temples is made up of engineering techniques that district the sound.

4. Do hotels in Kumbhojgiri provide any check-in policy?

Many hotels in Kumbhojgiri provide a 24-hour check-in policy. It is still recommended to call and inquire before Booking.

5. Why should you choose Yatradham?

Yatradham provides appropriate services at a reasonable cost near tourist destinations.

6. Is Yatradham reliable for online room Booking?

Yatradham provides the facility to book and secure your night’s stay in Kumbhojini before you reach the venue. It will take some time to process the booking and refund the money to your account.

7. Will the rooms be the same as shown in images?

Yes, the rooms will be the same as shown in the images.